Insights Into Teens: Episode 115 “Morals and Ethics”

What are morals, ethics and integrity and why are they important in life? We’ll take a look at some of the ethical dilemmas facing our teens and discuss ways to train our teens to be more morally centered and ethical in how they conduct themselves. Finally we’ll do some role playing and pose questions you can ask teens to help lead your discussion on morals and ethics to better illustrate their decision and the consequences associated with them. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 115 “Morals and Ethics”

Insights Into Teens: Episode 26 “Peer Pressure”

In this episode we talk about the various forms of peer pressure and why it can be so powerful at times. We’ll look at some of the myths about peer pressure and talk about the realities. There are five common social pressures of peer pressure and we’ll discuss each of them in depth before talking about ways to detect peer pressure and determine if it is positive or negative peer pressure. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 26 “Peer Pressure”

Insights Into Teens: Episode 22 “How to know yourself”

This week we talk about how to know yourself and the importance of being yourself. A discuss what it takes to resist peer pressure and what how important trusting your instincts and own judgement are. We learn how to understand who we are, how to accept ourselves for the type of person we are and how to love ourselves for being the unique person that we are. We’ll also talk about how to handle yourself in situations where outside influences may try to change the person you are and why it’s important to stay true to yourself. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 22 “How to know yourself”