Insights Into Teens: Episode 159 ”Social Phobia”

Social Phobia is something most of us experience at one time or another and at varying degrees of severity. It’s that nervous feeling you get if you speak in front of a group. That shy feeling you experience around others who aren’t in your inner circle. Or the self-consciousness you may experience out in public for any number or reasons.

But Social Phobia that is uncontrolled and severe can be crippling and lead to other issues.

On today’s episode of Insights Into Teens we’re going to take a look at what Social Phobia is, what causes it, how it can affect your life, and ultimately how to deal with it. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 159 ”Social Phobia”

Insights Into Teens: Episode 158 “Shyness”

Some people welcome new experiences and new people. They look forward to any opportunity to socialize. They’re often the first to introduce themselves and they jump into a conversation easily. Other people are quiet and shy, and prefer to warm up slowly to new people or situations. In today’s episode of Insights Into Teens we’ll talk about what Shyness is, why people are shy and how to cope with shyness. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 158 “Shyness”