Insights Into Teens: Episode 46 “Santa Claus”

This week we take a break from our more serious topics to celebrate the holidays and explore the nature and origins of Santa Claus. From a 3rd century monk named Saint Nicholas to the familiar depiction given to us by Thomas Nast to the classic portrayal in Clement C. Moore’s poem all the way up to the familiar department store Santa’s kids line up to talk to every year we look at Santa through the years. We also compare Christmas traditions from around the world and look for similarities that link them all together. Ultimately we address the burning questions of “Is Santa Claus real” and “Do you believe in Santa Claus”. We close with a very special creative presentation from all of our hosts for this joyous holiday.

Thank you to all of our viewers over these past 46 episodes. We’ll be taking a brief hiatus and will be back after the new year with more great podcasts. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone! Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 46 “Santa Claus”