No Credits Rolled Episode 1: Exploring the Game Awards

The inaugural episode of the podcast “No Credits Rolled” is a unique foray into the realm of video games, focusing on titles that players often start but rarely complete. The episode offers more than just game reviews; it delves into the intricacies of the gaming world, with a special emphasis on the Game Awards. We provide in-depth analysis and personal views on various Game of the Year nominees, including high-profile games like “Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,” “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2,” and “Baldur’s Gate 3.” This commentary is not merely a rundown of the games but a detailed critique mixed with a touch of humor, reflecting the host’s deep passion and knowledge of gaming. Continue reading No Credits Rolled Episode 1: Exploring the Game Awards

Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 19 “The State of Microsoft Games”

On January 18th, 2022, Microsoft announced that they were acquiring Activision Blizzard in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, or $95 per share. 

However, in the year and change since this announcement, things have not gone as planned for Microsoft.  

Today, we’re going to look at some recent developments for Microsoft games including the state of the Activision-Blizzard deal,   the rough release of Redfall, and what the future looks like for Xbox. Continue reading Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 19 “The State of Microsoft Games”

Insights Into Tomorrow Episode 16: “Microsoft’s Gaming Monopoly”

On January 18th, 2022, Microsoft announced that they were acquiring Activision Blizzard in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, or $95 per share. 

This is arguably the biggest piece of news in the history of the games industry. 

Today, we’re going to take a look at why this acquisition is so important and what it means for Microsoft and the industry going forward. 

In addition, we’ll hit some key elements that should be remembered surrounding this news. Continue reading Insights Into Tomorrow Episode 16: “Microsoft’s Gaming Monopoly”

Insights Into Tomorrow Episode: 13 “Modern Monopolies”

Today we’re discussing monopolies in the modern age. We’ll understand what a monopoly is, how they operate and why they are detrimental to a free and open market, yet they are a unique product of capitalism. We’ll take a brief look at the history of monopolies in American and how they’ve been handled before we look to the future with today’s monopolies and the complications inherent in regulating them. Continue reading Insights Into Tomorrow Episode: 13 “Modern Monopolies”