Insights Into Teens: Episode 111 “Challenges of High School”

This week we’re talking about the challenges our teens face when transitioning to high school. We’ll take a look at some of the differences between middle school and high school. We’ll talk about the higher expectations placed on our kids academically, socially and personally. We’ll look at a few specific areas to be aware of including time management and study skills, self advocacy and the all important school/life balance. Finally we’ll discuss some suggestions on how to make the transition and their time in high school a success. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 111 “Challenges of High School”

Insights Into Teens: Episode 67 “Balancing Emotions”

Teens face a deluge of emotions both positive and negative. Balancing those emotions and dealing with them can be a monumental challenge as they tackle all of the other issues associated with being a teenager.

This week we look at five different techniques to help you balance those emotions so you can deal with them, keep them in check and turn them into constructive aspects of your personality. We’ll look at how to ride the wave of emotions, discuss meditation and mindfulness techniques, explore how physical exercise can help, discuss the importance of sleep hygiene and look at how creative and being in the “flow” can improve focus.

All of the techniques we’ll talk about this week not only help to balance your emotions but have both psychological and physical benefits to them. Instead of resorting to medications to combat some of the more common issues in teens learning to balance your emotions can have the same lasting effects. Continue reading Insights Into Teens: Episode 67 “Balancing Emotions”